Zur Zeit auf coldplay.com zu finden: das Nappies-Video, in dem Chris Martin seine Vaterschaftsfreuden kund tut.
Sehr lustig.

Bloß wollte ja eigentlich ich die Mutter seiner Kinder sein.

Egal, hier noch der Text zum fantastischen Lied:

Sometimes you’re happy, sometimes you frown,
With your hormones bouncing up and down
Sometimes you’re happy, sometimes your sad,
But the weird nine months that you have had,
There’s shit going down that you can’t disguise,
When your boobs dem got ten times the size,
The cups gone up from an A to D.
It’s bad for you but it’s fun for me.

Now just cos a little bit of rumpy pump,
Now you’re walking round with a great big bump,
You might have thought as you we’re French you woulda said ‘Non’
Or at least you woulda made me stick a condom on,
I think you might find that it’s really fun,
An oven’s no use unless you make a bun,
It’s something to learn, it really is,
Now you know what that sticky stuff is

I’ll be there, thorough the thin and the thick,
I’m gonna clean up all the poo and the sick,
I’ll be there to make you happy,
And keep everything clean,
I’ll change the nappy for the washing machine
I ain't no baddy
I ain't no baddy
I am your baby's daddy,

Sometimes you think what a fool I am,
And why did I marry this awful man,
Now a baby’s part of my family plan,
Can it kick me? Yes it can.
My names Ken and I’ve got three,
Do I like being a Daddy, yes definitely,
Though I have to warn you it’s not always fun,
There’ll be times when you wished you’d been a nun.

I’ll be there, thorough the thin and the thick,
I’m gonna clean yup all the poo and the sick,
I’ll be there to make you happy,
And I’ll bring in the bread,
I’ll be the nanny, you can go out instead
And I know you’ll be grumpy that’s what everyone sees,
And you’re not gonna hump me for forty two days,
If you don’t want more babies and you cannot disguise it
Then I’ll take my **** and vasectomise it
I ain't no baddy
I ain't no baddy
Sometime I make you saddy,
I ain't no baddy
I ain't no baddy
I am your baby's daddy,

Crawl this way, bawl this way....