
don't fall in love with me yet
we only recently met
true i'm in love with you but
you might decide i'm a nut
give me a week or two to
go absolutely cuckoo
and when you see your error
then you can flee in terror
like everybody else does
i only tell you this 'cause
i'm easy to get rid of
but not if you fall in love
know now that i'm on the make
and if you make a mistake
my heart wil certainly break
i'll have to jump in a lake
and all my friends will blame you
there's no telling what they'll do
it's only fair to tell you
i'm absolutely cuckoo

peter meinte am 16. Mai, 23:46:
My question is... is it really love, can you "know" somebody after just a week?
ist es nicht vielmehr ein Gefühlsgemisch das missinterpretiert wird als Liebe? Ein Gemisch aus Adrenalin, Lust, sense of belonging, etc...
-- [frakd] 
diza antwortete am 17. Mai, 13:34:
du, ich weiß leider auch nicht so genau.
bei mir ist sowas schon lange her.
; )