Wyld Chylde
(Perverse Spoiled Dysfunctional Child)

The little guy in you loves to rock, for it is The Wyld Chylde, running wild. Otherwise known as a PSDC, your inner child can't sit still for more than a second and hence, neither can you. You jump around and yell and stuff-- most of the time breaking things, people and places.

Finding a normal life with the "Chylde" in tow can be hard. He tends to flame out early on or, even worse, melt into a smooth jazz/worldbeat balladeer after years of soul searching and heavy self-medication.

But don't change a thing-- enjoy the ride, for it will be insane.

eria meinte am 25. Jan, 22:35:
diza antwortete am 25. Jan, 22:50:
schaut auch sehr schön aus. : ) 
eria antwortete am 25. Jan, 22:54:
liest sich aber dann schon nicht mehr so nett *lach* (Enfant Terrible - Perverse Ignored Dysfunctional Child)
Your little inner child is l'Enfant Terrible (PIDC) --egotistical, malaligned, dark and pithy. Nothing in you makes any sense. It's like living inside an Emcee Escher drawing with DJ Salvador Dali on your inner wheels of steel.
If it's like that old fart Frued says, "where id was, there shall ego be," than your ego will soon be visiting Dysfunction Gulch by way of Isolation City, just past Pervert Palace. Strewn about the path along the way will be the carcasses of helpless relationships you've slaughtered.
There are two ways for you to grow up and stop acting like an ass:
1. grow up
2. stop acting like an ass
Other than all that stuff, he has fun at dance clubs, likes reading (yelling?) poetry and enjoys the taste of menthol cigarettes. Natch!
diza antwortete am 25. Jan, 22:55:
was steht da sonst noch dabei?

und hm.. Perverse Spoiled Dysfunctional Child klingt auch net so nett ; ) 
eria antwortete am 25. Jan, 23:03:
hab es oben nachgetragen.. damit das hier nicht in eine chaos ausartet :)) 
diza antwortete am 25. Jan, 23:30:
Nothing in you makes any sense.

sehr schön. 
Zorra meinte am 26. Jan, 09:28:
diza antwortete am 26. Jan, 12:37:
: D